Hello! I'm David O'Regan. I am a College Student and self taught Software Engineer.

Who am I?


~4 Years (Web, Software, & Game Development, Robotics)


2nd Year Computer Science Student at Virginia Tech


HTML, CSS/SASS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, YAML, JSON


Electron, React, Node, Git

Welcome! My name is David O'Regan, I was born in Oxford, England, but I have been in the Greater DC Area for most of my life. I am currently a 2nd Year Computer Science Student at Virginia Tech, where I am a member of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE). In 2022, I received the NOCTI Workforce Competency Credential for my proficiency in Computer Programming. In the Spring of 2024, I made the Virginia Tech Dean's List.

I was a member of FRC Team 1418 for 2 years, the latter of which I served as the team's Head Programmer. I also partook in the United States Air Force's cybersecurity competition, Cyberpatriots, during Seasons XIV and XV. While at Virginia Tech, I participated in VTHacks11 and VTHacks12; VTHacks is Virginia Tech's largest annual hackathon, which draws in students from across Virginia.

You can find a comprehensive list of my projects here.

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